Development board for STM32 ARM® Cortex™-M3 and Cortex™-M4, M7, M0 devices.
It contains many on-board modules necessary for the application development, including multimedia, Ethernet, USB, CAN and other.
EasyMx PRO v7 for STM32 ARM® is a development board for STM32 ARM® Cortex™-M3 and Cortex™-M4, M7, M0 devices. It contains many on-board modules necessary for device development, including multimedia, Ethernet, USB, CAN and other. On-board mikroProg™ programmer and debugger supports over 180 ARM® microcontrollers. Board is delivered with MCU card containing STM32F107VCT6.
Kart Üzerindeki Donanımlar
Ethernet connector (RJ-45) allows you to develop ethernet applications. |
Write UART applications for laptops too. We provided two USB-UART modules. |
EasyTFT board with touch screen enables you to develop multimedia applications. |
Piezo Buzzer allows you to implement audio signalization feature in your prototype. |
Board contains microSD card slot for storing large amount of data on external media. |
Audio in and out jacks are connected to on-board mp3 codec chip. |


- EasyMx PRO v7 board in an antistatic bag
- EasyTFT Dokunmatik Ekran
- USB Kablo
Not:dsPIC33, PIC24 ve PIC32 MCU modülleri opsiyoneldir.