FM click
FM Click™ with it’s Si4703 IC is a complete FM radio tuner in the form of add-on board. It supports worldwide FM band (76 – 108 MHz). The board contains two LM4864 audio amplifiers as well. Si4703has a nice set of features like automatic frequency and gain control, RDS/RBDS processor, seek tuning and volume control. FM antenna is provided through the earphones cable (recommended length between 1.1 and 1.45 m), which is plugged into on-board 3,5mm audio connector. FM Click™ has simple I2C interface. All these features make this board ideal for MP3 players, portable radios, PDAs, notebook PCs, portable navigations and many more. The board is designed to use 3.3V power supply only.
Key features
Worldwide FM band support (76–108 MHz)
Two LM4864 audio amplifiers and 3,5mm audio connector provided on-board.
Suports seek tuning, adaptive noise suppression, volume control, signal strength measurement and more.
Communicates with target board using simple I2C serial interface.