MCC DT9816-S
The Measurement Computing DT9816-S is a USB-based DAQ device with six, single-ended, simultaneous analog inputs, 16-bit resolution, 7500 kS/s/ch sample rate, 16 digital I/O, and one counter input. This device is USB powered and requires no external power.
The DT9816-S offers voltage inputs ranges of ±10 V and ±5 V.
16 digital I/O lines are configurable as eight inputs and eight outputs. The DIO terminals can detect the state of any TTL-level input.
Software support includes QuickDAQ, an out-of-the-box application for data logging, visualization, and signal generation. Data can be viewed in real-time or post-acquisition on user-configurable displays. Drivers are included for the most popular applications and programming languages including Visual C++®, Visual C#®, Visual Basic®.NET, DASYLab®, LabVIEW™, and MATLAB®.
Prioritizing on ease of use and flexibility, MCC offers out-of-the-box software plus drivers for the most popular programming languages and applications.
Out-of-the-box software includes the free QuickDAQ Base Package for data logging, visualization, and signal generation. Two QuickDAQ upgrades are available and offer FFT analysis functions.
For a more full-featured and customizable experience, DASYLab® provides real-time analysis and control, plus the ability to create custom applications without programming. QuickDAQ upgrades and DASYLab can be purchased directly from MCC.
For maximum customization, drivers are included for Visual C++®, Visual C#®, Visual Basic®.NET, LabVIEW™, MATLAB®, and Linux®.
Out of the Box Software: QuickDAQ-Free Base Package
Data Logging and FFT Analysis Software
QuickDAQ is an out-of-the-box application for acquiring, viewing, and saving data to a file. Users can customize many aspects of the acquisition, display, and recording functions- including the acquisition duration, sampling frequency, trigger settings, and filter type.
Two additional options can be purchased to add FFT analysis capabilities to the base package to provide powerful measurement and analysis capabilities for sound and vibration applications.
Supported Operating Systems: Windows® 10/8/7/Vista®, 32-bit or 64-bit
QuickDAQ FFT Analysis upgrades start at $495 and can purchased directly from MCC.
Learn More or Purchase QuickDAQ Upgrades QuickDAQ Data Sheet

QuickDAQ FFT Analysis Option:
- Perform single-channel FFT operations including AutoSpectrum, Spectrum, and Power Spectral Density. Configure a number of parameters for the FFT, including the FFT size, windowing type, averaging type, integration type.
- Supports Hanning, Hamming, Bartlett, Blackman, Blackman Harris, and Flat Top response windows.
QuickDAQ Advanced FFT Analysis Option:
- Includes all the features of the QuickDAQ Base Package and FFT Analysis Package plus these features and more:
- Perform two-channel FFT operations including: Frequency Response Functions (Inertance, Mobility, Compliance, Apparent Mass, Impedance, Dynamic Stiffness, or custom FRF) with H1, H2, or H3 estimator types, Cross-Spectrum, Cross Power Spectral Density, Coherence, and Coherent Output Power.
- Supports the following reference window types: Hanning, Hamming, Bartlett, Blackman, Blackman Harris, FlatTop, Exponential, Force, and Cosine Taper windows.
- Supports real, imaginary, and Nyquist display functions.
- Save data in the .uff file format
Custom Applications without Programming: DASYLab® - Optional
Icon-Based Data Acquisition, Graphics, Control, and Analysis Software
DASYLab is an optional software package that offers real-time analysis, control, and the ability to create custom applications without programming. DASYLab is ideal for users that need more functionality than DAQami provides.
Supported Operating Systems: Windows® 11/10/8/7.
Programming and Driver Support -Included
MCC programming and driver support is extensive and features comprehensive libraries and example programs for the most popular applications and programming languages including Visual C++®, Visual C#®, Visual Basic®.NET, LabVIEW™, MATLAB®, Linux®, and Python™.