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Kart Üzerindeki Donanımlar
PIC32MX795F512L Mikrodenetleyici
4.3" 480x272 Dokunmatik Panelli Renkli TFT Ekran
Reset Butonu, MCP23S17 Port çoklayıcı,
MicroSD Kart Soketi,
VS1053 Audio Modül, Kulaklık Mikrofon Jakı,
ADXL345 Accelerometer Modul,
Flash Entegresi, RF Transceiver, 2.4Ghz. Chip Anten,
Ethernet Transceiver, Buzzer,
Photo diode, IR Receiver, RGB Led, Sıcaklık sensörü,
Smart device with large 4,3" TFT Touch Screen or a multimedia development board - it's up to you. It carries a powerful PIC32MX795F512L device and loads of on-board modules, making it a perfect choice for your projects
On-board microcontroller is preprogrammed with fast USB HID bootloader, so it’s ready to work right out of the box. You don’t have to spend a dollar more on programmers. If you need a powerful debugger use mikroProg for PIC,dsPIC and PIC32
Compiler Support
mikromedia PLUS for Microchip™ PIC32™ is fully supported by mikroC, mikroBasic and MikroPascal compilers for PIC32. Compilers come with dozens of examples that demostrate every feature of the board
Visual TFT
Easily create fantastic colorful graphical user interfaces (GUI) for mikromedia in VisualTFT software. Even total beginners will be able to create amazing mikromedia applications
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